It was exhilarating to welcome almost 200 people out to the farm this past weekend as a part of the ASAP 2019 Farm Tour! As visitors wandered the rows of kale and onions, cucumbers, and tomatoes, the guest favorite was by far the patty pan. The huge plant’s sprawl is waist-high with massive leaves like solar panels.

Welcome to another week with the Terra Lingua CSA! This week we are featuring two interesting vegetables: our lovely garlic scapes and kohlrabi.

Swiss chard
The insanely busy spring planting season is slowly wrapping up, leaving us all a little more breathing room to do things like write our first weekly CSA blog! This week, the CSA boxes contain green leaf lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, and the very first of our kohlrabi and greenhouse cucumbers. The kohlrabi, which may be unfamiliar to some of you, is a highly undervalued vegetable, but we will dedicate next week’s blog and recipe to that fine piece of produce. For this week, we’d like to highlight Swiss chard.